Speaker: Jean-Marc.Petit Affiliation: INSA de Lyon, France Date: 2014/4/15(Tue) 15:00-16:30 Room: W2 10F 1019 Title: From SQL to RQL (or how to reuse SQL techniques for pattern mining) Abstract: This talk introduces a well-founded logical query language, SafeRL, allowing the expression of a wide variety of “rules” to be discovered against the data. SafeRL extends and generalizes functional dependencies in databases to new and unexpected rules easily expressed with a SQL-like language. In this setting, every rule mining problem turns out to be seen as a query processing problem. We provide a query rewriting technique and a constructive proof of the main query equivalence theorem, leading to an efficient query processing technique. Based on RQL, a concrete SQL-like grammar for SafeRL, we show how a tight integration can be performed on top of any DBMS. The approach has been implemented and experimented on different datasets (http://rql.insa-lyon.fr). If time permits, we will discuss how data/pattern exploration techniques with counter-examples could be devised on top of RQL.