Marc Schoenauer博士(
講演日時:4/8 14:30-16:00
題目: Crossing the Chasm for Evolutionary Algorithms
概要: One drawback of Evolutionary Algorithms, preventing their wide use outside the Evolutionary Computation community, paradoxically comes from their high flexibility. The large number of parameters EAs offer to the user does indeed make them difficult to fine tune. This talk will survey the current state of research in the area of parameter tuning, both off-line and on-line, focusing on the continuous optimization case, where on-line adaptation provides state-of-the-art algorithms.
略歴:Marc Schoenauerは,パリのEcole Normale Sup?rieure数学科を卒業し, 1980年にパリ第6大学で博士号,HDRを1997年に取得した.彼は1980年から2001年 8月までCNRSで常勤研究者,その後 INRIAで主任研究員を務めている.フランス 人工知能学会の元会長である.