Michele Sebag博士(http://www.lri.fr/~sebag/)
講演日時:4/8 13:00-14:30
題目: Data Streaming based on Affinity Propagation; Application to Autonomic Computing
概要: Affinity Propagation, a recent clustering algorithm based on message propagation techniques, yields quasi-optimal and stable solutions at the price of a quadratic complexity. Two extensions will be described, one for reducing the complexity and the other for dealing with online clustering (data streaming). The talk will describe the application of StrAP to Autonomic Grid. The EGEE grid system involves about 80,000 CPUs, and concurrently processes 300,000 jobs on a 24 hour, 7 day basis. The StrAP algorithm provides an online summary of the job distribution, amenable to the prompt detection of anomalies.
略歴:Michele Sebagは,パリのEcole Normale Superieure数学科を卒業し, 1990年に情報科学で博士号,HDRを1997年に取得した.彼女は1991年以降CNRS に 勤務しており,2001年以降は主任研究員である.現在,フランス人工知能学会の 会長を務めている.