Kaikai Zhao, Tetsu Matsukawa, Einoshin Suzuki:
"Experimental Validation for N-ary Error Correcting Output Codes for Ensemble Learning of Deep Neural Networks", Journal of Intelligent Information Systems,
Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 367-392, April 2019. DOI 10.1007/s10844-018-0516-5
Tetsu Matsukawa, Einoshin Suzuki:
"Kernelized Cross-View Quadratic Discriminant Analysis for Person Re-Identification", Proc. Sixteenth International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA 2019),
paper 04-06, Tokyo, May 2019. DOI 10.23919/MVA.2019.8757990
Yusuke Ohtsubo, Tetsu Matsukawa, Einoshin Suzuki:
"Harnessing GAN with Metric Learning for One-Shot Generation on a Fine-Grained Category", Proc. 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2019),
pp. 891-898, Portland, November 2019. DOI 10.1109/ICTAI.2019.00126