講演者: Dr. Francesco Bonchi
所属:Yahoo! Research in Barcelona, Spain
日時:2/24(木) 16:00-18:00
共催者: IEEE Computer Society Fukuoka Chapter
講演タイトル:"Influence Spread in Social Networks: a Data Mining
The study of how influence and information propagate in social networks
has recently received a great deal of attention in the data mining
research community. In this talk, we will first provide some background
on this hot research topic and a very condensed survey of the state of
the art. Then we will discuss some of our recent results and on-going
and future work.
Francesco Bonchi is a senior research scientist at Yahoo! Research in
Barcelona, Spain, where he is part of the Web Mining Group. His recent
research interests include mining query-logs, social networks, and
social media, as well as the privacy issues related to mining these
kinds of sensible data. In the past he has been interested in data
mining query languages, constrained pattern mining, mining
spatiotemporal and mobility data, and privacy preserving data mining.
He is member of the ECML PKDD Steering Committee, Yahoo! Research
ambassador for academic relations with Italy, and the organizer of the
Yahoo! Research Barcelona Seminars series. He has been program co-chair
of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2010). Dr.
Bonchi has also served as program co-chair of the first and second ACM
SIGKDD International Workshop on Privacy, Security, and Trust in KDD
(PinKDD 2007 and 2008), the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Privacy
Aspects of Data Mining (PADM 2006), and the 4th International Workshop
on Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases (KDID 2005).
He is co-editor of the book "Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery: Novel
Applications and New Techniques" published by Chapman & Hall/CRC Press.
He earned his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pisa in
December 2003.